Welcome to your bespoke Santa Claus video experience!
Please open the questionnaire first as it contains important information regarding your experience.
Once you've filled it in please return it to info@flashballoons.com as soon as possible. When I have received it I can begin work on your special personalized video. Fill in questions you feel are relevant to your loved one and please put n/a on any that don't apply.
Once the video has been filmed and edited you will receive a link to an unlisted YouTube video that only you and your family can share. If you would prefer a copy of the file instead, I can happily send it to you.
The links inside the pack allow you to download Santa coloring sheets, christmas card and letter to Santa templates for you child to craft and enjoy.
There are also a variety of photos of Santa holding a picture frame which you can insert a photo of your child into.
You will find links to 4 exclusive Santa's workshop diaries in the questionnaire. Throughout the holiday season, more videos will be added to our YouTube channel for you to enjoy, so be sure to subscribe to https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7rZYXZnI0-lZRrmnv-L3JQ!
Thank you once more for joining Santa's Workshop Club and I look forward to becoming part of your holiday traditions.
Merry Christmas
Rupert Appleyard
Head Elf